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Posted on - 2017-02-04 11:39:36 AM

Region :National

Paper Dyes

Our Paper Dyes range is designed for paper, pulp, and other cellulosic materials. We offer most of the commonly used colorants for paper coloring. Our approach is based on technical problem-solving to achieve innovative process specific solutions. Wh[..]

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Posted on - 2017-02-04 11:36:20 AM

Region :National

Crack Sealant: SAMBOND®-CF

SAMBOND®-CF is a ready to use flexible crack sealant recommended for concrete repairing. Advantages : ?Easy to seal cracks in masonry wall, beams, columns and concrete structure ?Resists development of further crack due to minor movements Meth[..]

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Posted on - 2017-02-03 06:24:21 PM

Region :National

Tenders and Bid Writing

Our practice is ably supported by our consultants who are in our panel: Topographical survey/Geological survey Interior Structural Plumbing Electrical HVAC Fire Safety System Landscape Network & Voice System

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Posted on - 2017-02-03 06:23:00 PM

Region :National

Printing Inks

Black ink is made using carbon black. And white pigments, such as titanium dioxide, are used either by themselves or to adjust characteristics of color inks. Inks also contain additives such as waxes, lubricants, surfactants, and dryin.

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Posted on - 2017-02-03 06:16:40 PM

Region :National

Repairing Products

SAMWAL-PL is a ready-to-use dry powder requiring only addition of water and produces a high strength mortar with non-shrinking properties. It is a mixture of specially processed cement and carefully graded fine aggregates. Additives impart high water[..]

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Posted on - 2017-02-02 10:38:32 AM

Region :National


We can provide assistance in a variety of formats to suit your specific tender writing needs such as: Answering specific questions Reviewing and editing document submissions Drafting elements of your bid

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Posted on - 2017-02-02 10:35:26 AM

Region :National

Excessive ink coverage

"The ultimate ink would have the best gloss, the best running ability, the best set speed, the best rub resistance" Welfare says. "I may never find that ink, but every day I'm looking for the next piece to get me there".

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Posted on - 2017-02-02 10:27:31 AM

Region :National

Classification of Reactive Dyes

Reactive dyes are water soluble dyes holding sulphonic acid groups and reactive groups like dichloride or monochloro tniazinyl groups or sulplato ethyl sulphone groups.

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Posted on - 2017-02-02 10:21:34 AM

Region :National

Tile Grout, Epoxy-base: SAMTILE-JME

SAMTILE-JME is a three-component epoxy grout used for gaps of 2 to 15mm on floors and walls with glass mosaic, ceramic tile, vitrified tile, marble and stone. It provides a lasting chemical and mechanical performance of high resistance coverings. Sea[..]

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Posted on - 2017-02-01 03:22:09 PM

Region :National

Repairing Products

SAMWAL-PL is a ready-to-use dry powder requiring only addition of water and produces a high strength mortar with non-shrinking properties. It is a mixture of specially processed cement and carefully graded fine aggregates. Additives impart high water[..]
