Indian Air Force Tenders

1. NTID 36387439

Bid To RAs Supply Of Split Air Conditioner Including Green Ac, Wall Mount Type (q2)

Price:Not Estimated

Indian Air Force

Closing Date:[2024-10-16]

Jodhpur,Rajasthan, India

2. NTID 36562505

Corrigendum : Rfp For Replacement_refurbishment Of Doppler Velocity Sensor (group Ii Avionics Aggregates) Of Mi 17 Series Aircraft

Price:Not Estimated

Indian Air Force

Closing Date:[2024-10-16]

Pune,Maharashtra, India

3. NTID 36690702

Bid To RAs Corrigendum : Supply Of Flexible Fibreoptic Bronchoscope

Price:Not Estimated

Indian Air Force

Closing Date:[2024-10-16]

Kanpur,Uttar Pradesh, India

4. NTID 37000520

Bid To RAs Supply Of Procurement, Digging And Laying Of 30 Km 48 Core Ofc Unarmoured Single Mode With Accessories

Price:Not Estimated

Indian Air Force

Closing Date:[2024-10-16]

Ganganagar,Rajasthan, India

6. NTID 37119885

Bid To RAs Corrigendum : Supply Of Blocking Bollard (mha)

Price:Not Estimated

Indian Air Force

Closing Date:[2024-10-16]

Nashik,Maharashtra, India

7. NTID 37266844

Bid To RAs Providing Of Custom Bid For Services - Annual Maintenance Contract Of Integrated Security And Surveillance System

Price:14.75 Lakh

Indian Air Force

Closing Date:[2024-10-16]

Chandigarh,Chandigarh, India

8. NTID 37283089

Bid To RAs Supply Of Press Mould

Price:Not Estimated

Indian Air Force

Closing Date:[2024-10-16]

Nashik,Maharashtra, India

10. NTID 37299639

Bid To RAs Corrigendum : Supply Of Operator Panel , Kit Turbo Repair Hc5a

Price:Not Estimated

Indian Air Force

Closing Date:[2024-10-16]

Hyderabad-T,Telangana, India
