Posted on - September 27, 2016 06:30:53PM
Product : B.O.P.P Tape Gravure Ink
This is a special ink used to write documents. Made by traditional Indian methods of ink making. The markings made cannot be rubbed or washed out. The old documents made by this technique have with stood decades without ant fading.
This ink is made of Lohbhasma and traditional herbs like Kadukka and Indian goose berry which are natural sources of tannogallic acids and various other alkaloids and antioxidants. These will prevent oxidation of Iron inside the pen and prevent corrosion of nib making it milder than modern Iron gall inks.
krishna polycoat started our manufacturung unit at v u nagar, anand (gujarat) in 1994. manufacturer of liquid printing inks for L.D/H.M/P.P/B.O.P.P/CELLOPHANE/POLYESTER/H.D.P.E/PAPER.Etc