Manufacturer of Tile and Stone Adhesive. Our products confirm to IS 15477:2004. Tiling system range also comprises of cementitious and epoxy tile grouts in various colours, polymer additives and epoxy adhesives.
Quantity : 1 KG
Price : NA
Tile and Stone Adhesive & Tile Groud
Cement Tile Grout
Reminder application
Packing : 20 kg sacks ,1 kg , 0.500Kg
SAMTILE AM Flexible Adhesive Mortar – Type II (IS:15477 – 2004) Description/Advantages Provides excellent adhesion to tiles Easy to use in bedding mortar or wall cladding. Excellent resistant to water and frost. Areas with higher static or thermic stress like on floor heating ,prefabricated terraces, swimming pools,terravces and facades Remind[..]
SAMTILE GP General purpose Adhesive Mortar – Type I (IS:15477 – 2004) Description/Advantages Provides excellent adhesion to tiles Easy to use in bedding mortar or wall cladding. Excellent resistant to water and frost. Recommended application Is used for Placing tiles, Panel, Slabs, mosaic, non-fatty natural stones, Insulating panels. For[..]
SAMTILE GMA Glass Mosaic Adhesive Mortar – Type II (IS:15477 – 2004) Description/Advantages Provides excellent adhesion to tiles Easy to use in bedding mortar or wall cladding. Excellent resistant to water and frost. Areas with higher static or thermic stress like on floor heating ,prefabricated terraces, swimming pools,terravces and facades It is not suite[..]
SAMTILE JM Cement Tile Grout Description/Advantages Ready to use joint filling mortar available in various shades Waterproof and frost proof and victual proof Used for joints from 2 to 12 mm. Reminder application Feeling joints between ceramic tiles,Panels,mosaics forwalls & Floor Packing : 20 kg sacks ,1 kg , 0.500Kg